Welcome to ExpatsEverywhere
Step 1
If you want to book a consultation with Kalie from ExpatsEverywhere, click the link below.
You’ll be able to have a 30 minute or 60 minute consultation call with Kalie to explore moving to Portugal.
Step 2
If you know you want to move to Portugal and you’d like a little bit of guidance on the process, click below.
You’ll simply be able to choose from which visa course suits your needs. Remember that the D7 visa is for passive income and the D8 visa (Remote Worker/Digital Nomad Visa) is for active income. The course is self-guided so you can go at whatever pace you are comfortable with.
Step 3
If you know you want to move to Portugal and you’d like an intimate community that helps you along, join our Patreon.
By joining our Patreon, you’ll get exclusive updates on what’s happening in Josh & Kalie’s life in Portugal and around the world.
You’ll have access to their community of over 160 people that are living in Portugal or in a variety of steps along the way. We support each other with resources, advice, and encouragement. At the $10 and $25 levels, there’s a monthly live Q&A once a month that you can take part in. At the $4 level, you have access to playbacks of that live Q&A. This is different to our YouTube live streams where we can only answer questions typed in the comment section. You’ll actually be able to chat with Josh & Kalie.
Step 4
Join our monthly newsletter to stay up-to-date on a wide variety of Portugal and living abroad related topics.
Step 5
If you’re just looking for general information about living abroad, we’ve got a lot of video resources on our two YouTube channels.
ExpatsEverywhere - Currently focused on Portugal with an extensive backlog of content from around the world in its archives, you just have to hit the search button.
ExpatsEverywhere Explores - A new channel focused on taking you to places that Josh & Kalie travel to with the desire to answer the question, “Would you expat that!?”
Step 6
Check out the other valuable resources from ExpatsEverywhere
We have a section on the site with 2 Map options.
1 map is currently being used for people visiting and living in Porto. It’s got recommendations of hotels, restaurants, parks/playgrounds, and other services that you’ll find beneficial.
The other map shows a Google map of Portugal and we’ve pinned our videos to cities or neighborhoods that we talk about in our videos. So if you want to know more about Setúbal for example, you can click on that city on the map to access the video about it. You can travel from north to south in Portugal without having to leave your couch.
We have a section with Trusted Partners.
These are companies that we’ve used or ones that people in our community have used and recommend.
We have a section for our Podcast.
We’re content creators and at the end of the day, it’s what we really enjoy doing, in a variety of forms. Podcasting is another way we can get information to you to help you on your journey. The great benefit of podcasts is it allows us to really flesh out topics, giving people that want the fine details, all of those bits of information they’re looking for.